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Forestville Students

Who We Are

We love Jesus and His church. Our mission is to develop students to fulfill the Great Commission and see lives changed by the gospel.

What We Believe

Student ministry is the ministry of students to the world

We believe that as the church ministers to students, the students will in turn minister to their world.

Parents are the primary faith influencers

We believe that God gave parents the lead role in their student’s spiritual growth. The church and student volunteers come alongside parents to help them, support them, and provide resources to assist them in their student’s growth. If students don’t have parents who are Christ-followers, then the church takes the lead.

Adult volunteers are the key to student ministry

The impact of a student ministry is determined by the number of adults who are in spiritually-significant relationships with students. The number of students we have doesn’t matter as much as these relationships do. That’s why we think the time and resources given toward equipping and training our adult volunteers is priceless.

Students can lead now

Student leaders are as much a part of the church’s future as they are a part of its present. Student leaders are church leaders, today and tomorrow. They are more than participants; they are servants.

What We Do

Forestville Student Ministry uses summer camps, DNow weekends, retreats, weekly worship & Bible studies, along with other activities to create opportunities where our students can learn, face challenges, and be transformed. These opportunities allow students to experience truth as well as hear truth, so they can grow in their relationship with Jesus. Our goal is not to just make students happy—we want to see them grow as followers of Christ and serve their world.

Upcoming Events

Sundays & Wednesdays

Sundays (Middle & High School Students)
  • 9:30 am Small Groups
  • 10:30 am Corporate Worship in our main Worship Center
Wednesdays (Middle & High School Students)
  • 6:30 pm WNL (Wednesday Night Live) Fellowship
  • 7:00 pm WNL Worship & Bible Study
  • *During the Summer months we occasionally meet off campus at our Student Leader’s home for fellowship & Bible Study

We also plan other intentional events throughout the year: pool parties, sneaker hockey, bowling, movie night, bonfires, and more!

Be sure to follow us on Social Media.

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